haiz.. today company ming xuan go arcade n play.. wanna try to play inital D de.. but haiz.. too bad.. got ppl play.. we try to wait but damm long sia.. so we go play other games lohz.. after tat we tk neocards together.. coz i dress up ming xuan until damm cute.. sia.. keke!! oh ya.. at arcade got ppl wanna make friends wif ming xuan wor.. hahahaz!! but she don wanna give him her num.. hee!! later we go comics shop.. ming xuan buy her comics n than we go eat ice-cream.. she like donno how to eat like tat.. haiz.. eat until the ice-cream all over her hands.. hahaz!! she kanna suan by me.. gee!! than i go toilet wif her lohz.. she damm funny man.. inside the toilet than realise she lost her keys.. so we go look for it lohz.. she thinks she left it at the comics shop.. so i ask the cashier counter ppl whether got saw it or not lohz.. but she said don have.. so she help ming xuan look for it lohz!! keke!! in-the-end tat stupid ming xuan make a fool of herself n drag me in.. so suay.. she put the keys inside her bag sia.. idiot stupid rite.. haiz!! irritating.. keke!! oh ya.. i saw sharon my old classmate at bishan too.. she told me she watch into the mirror tat movies.. i ask her scary not? she said no.. yi dian ye bu pa ren.. weird gal.. heard ppl say very scary wor.. hee!! hmm.. gtg le.. yokemin keep calling me to faster faster.. coz i going home wif her mahz.. keke!! so i blog in another time k buai ppl..!! (^-^)