Bringing Back the Past Memories~

hahaz.. eat finish liao.. hmm.. i change the pic agian.. nice ma? keke!! (^-^).. hey.. peiming.. don steal my pic hor i tel u.. humph.. greaters idiot.. in the world.. bleahz.. humph!! "angry.." ('n')

keke.. juz reach home.. so stupid of me.. today weather quite hot.. when i reach sin ming.. i felt so thirsty.. so i go see my refrigerator saw a bottle of drink.. so i tk it n see wats drink isit? it's is ice-tea.. so i ask my mum whether i can drink the ice tea not? she said yes.. so i drink it.. feel so weird abt the bottle.. nv seen before ice-tea red colour 1.. than i look carefully.. i saw not for sale to persons under the age of 18yrs.. sianz.. i drank vodka.. make me more thirsty.. so blur n stupid of me.. hahahaz.. haiz.. nw very hungry le.. i go eat noodles liao.. buai..

hmm.. today go ps help my sis Q-up for cyndi autograph.. yeah.. so happy.. i go there quite late around 2++ almost 3.. coz it's starts at three ma.. keke!! tot i cant get it sign.. but than i try to cut Q.. hahaz!! n i get it sgin by the time of 4++.. keke.. so happy.. cyndi said hello to me.. n thank you.. hahaz!! her voices damm cute sia.. gee!! but when i Q-up tat time.. was hard for me.. i haven even eat yet before i go Q.. some more so damm hot at there.. almost 'yun dao' man.. out of breath.. so i tip toes.. trying to breath.. lucky i nv 'yun dao' orlas very paisei.. hahaz!! hmmm... yesterday at J8 really many ppl sia.. lazy to wait for my turn.. so i didnt get the chance to play lohz.. so sianz.. keke!! saw jingz n nick at there.. wait to play inital D hahaz!! haiz.. i nth to write le lahz.. blog in another time k.. hee!! buai.. ~chaoz

tml got oral.. sianz.. y muz be on sat? i wanna slp longer also cnt.. 7.30am lehz.. kao so damm early forwat? haiz!!

thanx peiming for helping me to put tis scary songs on my web.. hahaz!!! i try to find tis songs long ago but cant find.. hmmm.. anyway... thank you lahz.. kkz.. keke.. haiz.. today whole 4T1 ppl kanna banned by library.. form jurami.. keke.. sianz ah.. recess cnt go there slp le.. sob sob.. (^-^"!)...hahaz.. i change my font colour.. to let it looks more scary.. donno whether it works not? keke!! ppl give me comments k keke..

3days.. 16,17 n 18 april.. wat the heck.. so damm wonderful lohz.. haiz!! angry.. so 'wonderful' until i so damm irritated to mention it.. stupid days!! aRhZ!! i gone berserk le la... idi0t idi0t.. i hate those days.. wish tat tml will be a new refresh day man.. i don wanna tat 'wonderful days' happen to me again... aRhZ!! STUPID!!!!

Tweety Bird
You are Tweety

You are cute, and everyone loves you. You are a
best friend that no one takes the chance of
losing. You never hurt feelings and seldom have
your own feelings hurt. Life is a breeze. You
are witty, and calm most of the time. Just keep
clear of backstabbers, and you are worry free.

Which Cartoon Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

haiz.. today company ming xuan go arcade n play.. wanna try to play inital D de.. but haiz.. too bad.. got ppl play.. we try to wait but damm long sia.. so we go play other games lohz.. after tat we tk neocards together.. coz i dress up ming xuan until damm cute.. sia.. keke!! oh ya.. at arcade got ppl wanna make friends wif ming xuan wor.. hahahaz!! but she don wanna give him her num.. hee!! later we go comics shop.. ming xuan buy her comics n than we go eat ice-cream.. she like donno how to eat like tat.. haiz.. eat until the ice-cream all over her hands.. hahaz!! she kanna suan by me.. gee!! than i go toilet wif her lohz.. she damm funny man.. inside the toilet than realise she lost her keys.. so we go look for it lohz.. she thinks she left it at the comics shop.. so i ask the cashier counter ppl whether got saw it or not lohz.. but she said don have.. so she help ming xuan look for it lohz!! keke!! in-the-end tat stupid ming xuan make a fool of herself n drag me in.. so suay.. she put the keys inside her bag sia.. idiot stupid rite.. haiz!! irritating.. keke!! oh ya.. i saw sharon my old classmate at bishan too.. she told me she watch into the mirror tat movies.. i ask her scary not? she said no.. yi dian ye bu pa ren.. weird gal.. heard ppl say very scary wor.. hee!! hmm.. gtg le.. yokemin keep calling me to faster faster.. coz i going home wif her mahz.. keke!! so i blog in another time k buai ppl..!! (^-^)

hmmm.. my com okay liao.. thanx for ah kheng kor kor help.. the com more faster than before.. still slow.. la.. but atlas better liao.. keke!! i nw well liao.. not sick anymore.. yeah!! keke!! hmmm.. on 7/4/04 is teckwee birthday.. forgot to wish him.. so.. i wish him happy belated birthday nw.. hahaz!! erm.. i installing ragnarok new version now.. called DREAM SKY online.. it cost only $2.10.. when alia told me today.. i was shock.. is like.. wao.. so cheap arhz!! keke!! but good la.. hmmm.. alia going to buy the ragnarok credit card it cost $7.90 for 150points de.. n $19.90 for monthly de.. i think monthly one more worth it lahz.. i saw it at thomson plaza the comics shop there.. keke!! coz alia play finish the 50points le.. she said damm fast finish.. she juz play for two n a half days like tat only.. she kanna kick out when the creadit was finish.. hahaz!! poor gal!! but anyway i juz wanna tell those who play ragnarok the cost of the credit n where to buy it lo.. gee!! quite late nw le.. i think i better go back to marsiling hse nw.. hee!! later my dad kpkb at me.. coz he cook food for me..waiting for me go hm n eat.. hahaz!! donno wat he cook yet.. go home than i will noe.. kekez.. so gtg le.. buai.. blog in next time when i free ya.. keke!! (^-^)..

hmmm.. nw at com lab1.. still sick.. haiz sian.. lazy to go see doctor.. hahaz!! put new pic up there.. hee!! nice rite tat pic.. but too big lahz.. anyway quite nices too.. hahaz!! to me lahz!! to ur.. i donno lohz!! keke... trying to make more improvement on my web... gee!! (@_@#).. [thinking hard!!] hmmm.. nw really very sian.. waiting for yokemin to msg me n go home together.. hahaz!! today maths tests.. confirm fail one.. keke!! cant rmb the formulae... peiming fault lohz.. he call me to test him the formulae.. so is like.. i'm studying the formulae mahz.. haiz... once i study things.. i will forgets everythings.. tat is y.. i nv study my exam de mahz!! so tat i will pass.. if i study.. confirm fail de lohz.. haiz... peiming fault lahz.. he lead me into studies.. keke.. Sianzz!!

aRhzzz... so angry.. yesterday go back sin ming.. tot i can play com.. when i reach home.. saw my bro playing.. so nvm.. i wait for him to play finish.. but than hor.. when he play finish liao.. he help me to rest start the com 1st.. coz the com abit siao saio mahz.. than rest start finish liao.. saw donno wat icons came up.. so i wake my bro up n call him to see wats tat lohz.. haiz.. in the end. he make more worst.. cant even play liao.. all the programms... GoNE!! arhzzz... sad... cant play com liao.. com spoilt.. sianz ah... so idiot.. haiz.. lao tian qi fu wo.. sick for 10days liao.. still haven recoverd.. so damm idiot.. sad sad sad!! sob sob... nw at thomson cc the lan shop play...Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour wif ming xuan.. than nw come online check things lohz.. keke!! k le.. no much time left le!! 2hrs up liao.. so ppl.. see ya.. keke!! buai..