(yesterday teacher said today lesson is juz as normal.. 9am - 4pm... the story started...)
me nw at sch.. Ms Nelly Lessons.. do finish my things already.. so come in n tag..hahaz^^...haiz.. so irritating.. today.. zhao zhi dao don come sch le.. sob.. come sch so early at 9am.. reach sch.. see the performs..(almost finish already.. coz is started at 8am -_-" ) den after the performs.. the section head give everyone 1hr break.. so after that 1hr break is our timetable de 1hr break ma.. dot.. so is 12.15pm den start sch lo.. sianz..den y we come so early to sch for... rite? so we decided to go J8 eat lo.. den half way bi xia go back to her secondary sch..diaoz.. so left we few ppl lo..^^.. after 12pm..my friend tat is (xinyi,phui leng,adeline,estella & jia xin)
hmmm... hate tat stupid qihuahua... i told him tat.. if he still loves me.. still wanna be wif me.. don ever play warcraft.. also don ever ask me whether he can play warcraft or not.. and he said ok.. but he bluff me.. i saw him playing warcraft.. on 29Aug05 he told me tat he nv play warcraft actually he did.. he told me..when i juz nw ask him.. dot.. and i think he don love me anymore la.. i think he likes other gals den me liao..wahahaz..!! his warcraft games is important den me..humph...idiot guy rite.. guy cannot be trusted.. they all r lier..heex..^^ so today 30Aug05 is true n really.. i break up wif him already.. tats a good thing for him n me.. for him is.. no one will beat him n treat him like a dog anymore.. for me is... no need to angry wif him anymore.. good rite..heex^^ so tis is wat i wanna say for today^^... good Nite.. ppl^^